Gary's Guide Service is located in Roseburg Oregon witch is in Southern Oregon near some of the best rivers in the Northwest like the famous North Umpqua, South Umpqua, Main Umpqua, Elk, Rouge, Sixes, Coquille, and Coos. They are the best Salmon, Steelhead, Smallmouth Bass, and Shad Rivers in Oregon. Gary Lewis has been guiding fisherman for over 20 years. And has been featured in magazines such as American Angler, Sports A Field Fly Fishing The West, and many others. He has also appeared on ESPN, Fly Fishing America, and Brent Shore's Get The Net. Gary started fly-fishing at the age of 7 and has been tying flies and fly-fishing ever since. Gary has also mastered the techniques of fishing with bait and artificial lures. In this way you get the best of both worlds when fishing with Gary's Guide Service. Gary has some of the most professional qualified guides in the area working with him to make sure that you will have a great fishing experience.

WHETHER IT IS A STEELHEAD RISING TO MEET YOUR FLY, a Smallmouth Bass crashing your Plug, or a muscle-straining Salmon testing you to the the limit, the PROFESSIONALS that can take to the action are at GARY'S GUIDE SERVICE.